Sunday, November 11, 2012

QR Codes And Mobile Applications

First I'd like to give credit where credit is due and it's certainly
due to Mr. Damien Zamora of GoMobile, for really
being the first person to turn me on to this huge
industry and opportunity that exist right now. 

We are talking numbers in the billions...$17.5 Billion US Local
Markets, Next 3 Years and another $17.5 Billion in business
world-wide over the same time span. 

Why am I excited?  I have a perfect product and company to
build our personal and  business foundation on.  All the struc-
ture is already in place (Why Re-invent the wheel Indeed!) The
stucture and program we all need to succeed in any program
exist with and through SOLAVEI   sign-in and learn or/and sign-up and earn. 

After I sent out my last email where I told you that
mobile devices will outnumber humans by the end
of 2012, I realized that some of you may be wonder-
ing how this is possible. Even if every human on the
planet had a mobile device-which, of course, we know
they don't-it still seems pretty incredible that humans
would be outnumbered. 

So how is this happening? The secret has to do with

In this case, while not every person has a mobile
device, there are lots of people on the planet with
multiple mobile devices. Think that sounds extravagant?
If you consider how many people you know with both
a personal and business phone (you might even be
one of them) and how normal that is, the statistic
becomes a whole lot easier to get your head around.

So which countries have the most mobile phones per

According to Susan Teltscher, an analyst with
International Telecommunication Union, it turns out that
 these countries tend to be small, with lots of borders or
numerous foreign workers and visitors who tend to buy
local phones to use during their stay. United Arab
Emerites currently holds the title of the most mobile
phones per capita with 233 percent, followed closely
by the tiny country of Montenegro with 210 percent. 

Clearly the U.S. and China rank high on the list, right?
Not even close. It turns out that there is plenty of room
for growth in both cases. Statistics from the ITU show
that mobile phone penetration holds steady at 91 per-
cent in the U.S. and only 56 percent in Mainland China. 

What does this mean for mobile marketers? The poten-
tial for growth in this industry is incredible in these
markets. The wise marketers will find ways to position
themselves as leaders now so they fire on all cylinders
as mobile phones become even more pervasive in the
U.S. and China.

Look for my next email where I'll be telling you exactly
how you can start doing just that!

Until next time, 
Damien Zamora
The QR Code above will take you to the very first Mobile Appli-
cation I ever designed and published myself. 

1 comment:

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